Link building Guide: Why you select Go link building agency

Link building Guide: Why you select Go link building agency

Link building, that is, obtaining links on other websites that point to yours, is one of the great pillars of search engine optimization (SEO). Google achieved its dominant position among search engines thanks to a technology called “Pagerank”, which measures the amount and importance of links between websites. Each link is like a vote to the destination site, and the sites with the most votes contribute more weight to the links they publish because they have a better reputation. Therefore, one of the secrets to getting traffic from search engines is to get lots of quality external links.

On the other hand, there are also sites with a worse reputation, and if your site receives too many links of this type, it could suffer the opposite effect, have worse search engine results, or even be penalized, being temporarily excluded from search results. This is because search engines, especially Google, have very strict guidelines in relation to link building, and violating those guidelines can be a big problem for your business. Because of this, link building must be done with great care, planning, and knowledge.

At Golinkbuilding we help you get quality links from relevant sites, with good metrics and a good reputation, and we design a link-building strategy according to the strategy that we define together for your company. Link building is both art and science, a craft that combines technical knowledge and business skills that few people can do well.

The difference of our link building with other

Searching for opportunities, negotiating agreements, and implementing links correctly from other sites to yours requires experience, knowledge of how search engines work, and a great sense of opportunity.

Even if these links are obtained artificially, the link profile of your website, that is, the proportion between the different types of links and sites that publish them should appear completely natural.

For this, we follow very strict criteria so that you can improve the reputation of your website through links in a safe and effective way:

  1. Relevance: we search and negotiate almost exclusively with websites that have a theme related to your business. Sites where your link can provide an interesting complement to visitors to the site that links you.
  2. Discretion: We use a gradual and anonymous approach to contact each prospect so that your company identity is only revealed when we are in an advanced stage of negotiating to get a good link.
  3. Variety: we study the link profile of your site to make the proportion of links of different types appropriate so that you can stand out in relation to your competition.
  4. Planning: link building can only be effective if it is coordinated with other marketing strategies that we develop, especially SEO and content marketing. We investigate your competitors, the profile of your audience with web analytics techniques, to determine how and where to publish the links.

And above all, we constantly monitor the link building for your site, analyze the results it has obtained and propose actions with which we can improve it.  So why not choose Golinkbuilding?

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